Police issued an urgent warning against new scams by cybercriminals.
Now criminals are up to mischief on the Internet with fake e-mails about child pornography. The police warn against such scams.
Cybercriminals are becoming more and more brazen. As already reported, a fake software technician succeeded in relieving a Graz pensioner of 70,000 euros. The following criminal gang is already on the lookout for potential victims on the Internet with a new scam.
Police, Ministry of the Interior, and Europol as the alleged sender
Users receive an e-mail with the following content: “We are initiating proceedings against you, shortly after a computer seizure of cyber infiltration, for Child pornography, pedophilia, cyber pornography, and exhibitionism.“ The alleged sender of the electronic letter is the Ministry of Interior, police, and Europol. The scammers even go so far as to threaten immediate arrest.
The mail also bears the signature of the head of the Federal Criminal Police Office, Andreas Holzer, in whose name the recipients receive the following message: “After completing the investigation, we have concluded that you have committed these crimes, namely the possession, viewing, transmission, and consultation of images and videos of exhibitionist or child pornography character via the Internet in conversations with minors under 16 years. We also found that erotic messages and scenes of display and masturbation were practiced via webcam and instant chat sessions.”
“Nach Abschluss der Ermittlungen sind wir zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass Sie diese Straftaten begangen haben, nämlich den Besitz, die Betrachtung, die Übermittlung und die Konsultation von Bildern und Videos mit exhibitionistischem oder kinderpornografischem Charakter über das Internet bei Gesprächen mit Minderjährigen unter 16 Jahren. Wir haben auch festgestellt, dass erotische Nachrichten und Szenen der Zurschaustellung und Masturbation über Webcam und Instant-Chat-Sitzungen praktiziert wurden.”
Furthermore, the scam victims are asked to respond to the mail within 48 hours and explain themselves. If no explanation is made during this period, the recipients will be recorded in the National Sex Offender Registry.
In any case, the police make it clear that these messages are attempts to defraud. Never would the executive announce an arrest by e-mail, and other news passages are inconceivable. In addition, the Federal Criminal Police Office would, of course, not use an address from G-Mail, as stated in the mail.
- source: heute.at/pciture: Bild von Robinraj Premchand auf Pixabay
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